Československá obchodní banka
Československá obchodní banka, a.s. (ČSOB) is one of the largest commercial banks operating in the Czech Republic. It is a universal bank that offers a full range of banking services to individuals and companies. It operates 280 ČSOB branded branches, and 3,300 Česká pošta branches under the brand name Poštovní spořitelna.
Československá obchodní banka
The administrative building of the Československá obchodní banka in Prague – Radlice by Josef Pleskot
The administrative building of the Československá obchodná banka in Bratislava
KBC Group is a Belgian universal multi-channel bank-insurer, focusing on private clients and small and medium-sized enterprises in Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Slovakia. It was created in 1998 through the merger of Kredietbank (KB), the cooperative CERA Bank, ABB Insurance, and Fidelitas Insurance. The acronym KBC refers to KredietBank and CERA.
KBC Group head office in Brussels
Hotel d'Eynatten, Leuven, in 1976, with the names of both Volksbank van Leuven and Kredietbank (KB)
Boerentoren in Antwerp (1931)
Building at rue du Congrès 14 in Brussels, former Belgian head office of Kredietbank-Congo