The 115th Fighter Wing is a unit of the Wisconsin Air National Guard, which is stationed at Truax Field Air National Guard Base, Madison, Wisconsin. If activated to federal service, the Wing is gained by the United States Air Force Air Combat Command.
F-16s from the 176th FS on a routine training mission in the skies over Wisconsin
USAF F-16C block 30 #87-0278 from the 176th FS sits on the runway in Madison on 28 June 2008 during the Rhythm and Booms Fireworks display. Note the 60th Anniversary paint scheme on the tail
Wisconsin Air National Guard
The Wisconsin Air National Guard (WI ANG) is the aerial militia of the State of Wisconsin, United States of America. It is, along with the Wisconsin Army National Guard, an element of the Wisconsin National Guard.
A KC-135R Stratotanker from the 128th Air Refueling Squadron, General Mitchell AGB, Milwaukee and an F-16C from the 176th Fighter Squadron, Truax Field AGB, Madison. The 128th is the oldest unit in the Wisconsin Air National Guard, having over 70 years of service to the state and nation.
A U.S. Army Air Forces North American O-47A from the 126th Observation Squadron, Wisconsin National Guard. Unlike prewar observation squadrons, the 126th was not assigned to a National Guard division, rather it was assigned directly in support of the II Army Corps and performed various duties, including photographing portions of the Carolina Maneuvers in the autumn of 1941.
F-51 Mustangs of the Wisconsin Air National Guard, circa 1950