2022 Green Party of Canada leadership election
The 2022 Green Party of Canada leadership election took place from November 12 to November 19, 2022. It elected a new leader to replace Annamie Paul, who had announced her resignation following the 2021 Canadian federal election. That election was the Green Party of Canada's worst showing since 2000 and included Paul's defeat in her own riding of Toronto Centre, where she placed fourth. On November 10, 2021, Paul announced her resignation, which officially took effect on November 14, 2021, when it was accepted by the party's federal council.
Image: Elizabeth May in July 2014
Image: Anna Keenan screenshot
Image: Jonathan Pedneault Interview
Image: Chad Walcott
The Green Party of Canada is a federal political party in Canada, founded in 1983 with a focus on green politics.
Jim Harris, leader of the party from 2003 to 2006
Elizabeth May, July 2014
Party Leader Annamie Paul (2020–2021)