The 267th Chemical Company was a military unit of the U.S. Army Chemical Corps responsible for the surety of chemical warfare agents dubbed "RED HAT" deployed to the Islands of Okinawa, Japan and subsequently Johnston Atoll in the Pacific Ocean. A recently discovered Army document reveals that the true mission of the 267th Chemical Company was the operation of the Okinawa deployment site as part Project 112. Project 112 was a 1960s biological warfare field test program that was conducted by the Deseret Test Center. Okinawa is not listed as a test site under Project 112 by the U.S. Department of Defense.
Sentry Dog Qualification Patch from 267th Chemical Company. This patch is mentioned in John Burnnam's book, A Soldier's Best friend.
267th Chemical Company operations building on Okinawa. Mascot Thumper is depicted on the sign.
USNS Sealift with nerve agent at Tengan Pier during operation Red Hat, Okinawa, July 1971
USNS Private Francis X. McGraw is loaded with chemical weapons at Tengan Pier, Okinawa during Operation Red Hat in September 1971
Project 112 was a biological and chemical weapon experimentation project conducted by the United States Department of Defense from 1962 to 1973.
YAG 39 USS George Eastman (after being refitted with scientific equipment)
USS Granville S. Hall – 1965
Class III cabinets at the U.S. Biological Warfare Laboratories, Camp Detrick, Maryland (Photo, 1940s)
Deseret Test Center Logo features globe in aerosol cloud