733 Naval Air Squadron was a Naval Air Squadron of the Royal Navy's Fleet Air Arm. It was active between January 1944 and December 1947, entirely in Ceylon, as a Fleet Requirements Unit, based mainly at R.N. Air Section China Bay, which became HMS Bambara, RNAS Trincomalee, China Bay, Ceylon. The squadron initially formed at R.N. Air Section Minneriya, at RAF Minnerya, Ceylon, two weeks after an advance party arrived there, remaining for three months after formation before relocating.
Vultee Vengeance of the type used by 733 NAS
Miles Martinet TT.Mk I
Stinson Reliant
Supermarine Sea otter ASR Mk.II
China Bay Airport is an air force base and domestic airport in China Bay in eastern Sri Lanka. Located approximately 7 km (4.3 mi) south west of the city of Trincomalee, the airport is also known as Trincomalee Airport and SLAF China Bay.
SLAF China Bay crest