97th Illinois General Assembly
The 97th Illinois General Assembly convened on January 12, 2011 and adjourned sine die on January 8, 2013. Over that period, the Illinois Senate was in session for 137 legislative days, and the Illinois House was in session for 166 legislative days.
The Illinois State Capitol in 2012
Senate president John Cullerton
Minority Leader Christine Radogno
96th Illinois General Assembly
The 96th Illinois General Assembly convened on January 14, 2009 and adjourned sine die on January 11, 2011. Over that period, the Illinois Senate was in session for 144 legislative days, and the Illinois House was in session for 165 legislative days.
The Illinois State Capitol in 2009
John Cullerton, president of the 96th Senate
Minority Leader Christine Radogno
Majority Leader Barbara Flynn Currie