A Knight's Tale is a 2001 American medieval action comedy film written, co-produced and directed by Brian Helgeland. The film stars Heath Ledger as William Thatcher, a peasant squire who poses as a knight and competes in tournaments, winning accolades and acquiring friendships with such historical figures as Edward the Black Prince and Geoffrey Chaucer. Its 14th-century story is intentionally anachronistic, with many modern pop culture references and a soundtrack featuring 1970s music. The film takes its name from Chaucer's The Knight's Tale, part of The Canterbury Tales, and also draws several plot points from Chaucer's work.
Theatrical release poster
Heath Andrew Ledger was an Australian actor. After playing roles in several Australian television and film productions during the 1990s, he moved to the United States in 1998 to further develop his film career. His work consisted of 20 films in a variety of genres, including 10 Things I Hate About You (1999), The Patriot (2000), A Knight's Tale (2001), Monster's Ball (2001), Casanova (2005), Lords of Dogtown (2005), Brokeback Mountain (2005), Candy (2006), I'm Not There (2007), The Dark Knight (2008), and The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (2009), the latter two of which were posthumously released. He also produced and directed music videos and aspired to be a film director.
Ledger at the 2006 Berlin International Film Festival
Ledger (far right) posing with the cast and the director of I'm Not There at the 64th Venice Film Festival in September 2007
Ledger at the 56th Berlin International Film Festival in February 2006
Memorial for Ledger, outside 421 Broome Street, SoHo, Manhattan, 23 January 2008