Adopt a Highway is a 2019 American drama film written and directed by Logan Marshall-Green in his directorial debut. It stars Ethan Hawke, Elaine Hendrix, Diane Gaeta, Betty Gabriel, Mo McRae, Chris Sullivan, Nate Mooney, Christopher Heyerdahl, Loni Love and Anne-Marie Johnson. Jason Blum produced the film, through his Blumhouse Productions banner and Adam Hendricks and Greg Gilreath produced the film through their Divide/Conquer banner.
Film poster
Logan Marshall-Green is an American actor. He is known for his roles in the television series 24, The O.C., Traveler, Dark Blue and Quarry, as well as his roles in the films
Prometheus, The Invitation, Spider-Man: Homecoming, Upgrade and When They See Us.
Marshall-Green in 2018