Adresseavisen is a regional newspaper published daily, except Sundays, in Trondheim, Norway. The paper has been in circulation since 1767 and is one of the oldest newspapers after Norske Intelligenz-Seddeler which was launched in 1763.
The front page of Adresseavisen ("Trondhjems Adresseavis") dated 17 May 1905.
Trøndelag (Urban East Norwegian: [ˈtrœ̂ndəˌlɑːɡ]; or Trööndelage is a county and coextensive with the Trøndelag region in the central part of Norway. It was created in 1687, then named Trondhjem County ; in 1804 the county was split into Nord-Trøndelag and Sør-Trøndelag by the King of Denmark-Norway, and the counties were reunited in 2018 after a vote of the two counties in 2016.
Nidaros Cathedral in Trondheim
Traditional Trøndelag house
Grey Troender sheep, a breed which originated in Trøndelag