Alfred Garrievich Schnittke was a Russian composer. Among the most performed and recorded composers of late 20th-century classical music, he is described by musicologist Ivan Moody as a "composer who was concerned in his music to depict the moral and spiritual struggles of contemporary man in [...] depth and detail."
Profile of Schnittke, 1989
Portrait of Alfred Schnittke by Reginald Gray (1972)
Musik Meile Wien (Walk of Fame Vienna)
Gravestone, showing a fermata over a whole rest marked fff
The Volga Germans are ethnic Germans who settled and historically lived along the Volga River in the region of southeastern European Russia around Saratov and close to Ukraine nearer to the south.
Catherine the Great.
Temporary quarters for Volga Germans in central Kansas, 1875.
Volga German pioneer family commemorative statue in Victoria, Kansas by Pete Felten, 1976
Flags of Argentina, Buenos Aires Province and Germany in front of St. Joseph Catholic Church in San José, Coronel Suárez Partido, Argentina (Volga German colony).