Alice (American TV series)
Alice is an American sitcom television series that aired on CBS from August 31, 1976, to March 19, 1985. The series is based on the 1974 film Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore. The show stars Linda Lavin in the title role, a widow who moves with her young son to start life over again, and finds a job working at a roadside diner in Phoenix, Arizona. Most of the episodes revolve around events at Mel's Diner, where Alice is employed.
Season 8: Linda Lavin (Alice), Celia Weston (Jolene), and Beth Howland (Vera)
The waitresses at Mel's Diner from left: Vera (Beth Howland), Alice (Linda Lavin), Flo (Polly Holliday)
Mel's Diner in Phoenix, Arizona
Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore
Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore is a 1974 American romantic comedy drama film directed by Martin Scorsese and written by Robert Getchell. It stars Ellen Burstyn as a widow who travels with her preteen son across the Southwestern United States in search of a better life. Kris Kristofferson, Billy "Green" Bush, Diane Ladd, Valerie Curtin, Lelia Goldoni, Vic Tayback, Jodie Foster, Alfred Lutter, and Harvey Keitel appear in supporting roles.
Theatrical release poster