"Amok Time" is the second season premiere episode of the American science fiction television series Star Trek. Written by science fiction author Theodore Sturgeon, scored by Gerald Fried, and directed by Joseph Pevney, it first aired on September 15, 1967.
Arlene Martel as T'Pring and Leonard Nimoy as Spock
Theodore Sturgeon was an American fiction author of primarily fantasy, science fiction, and horror, as well as a critic. He wrote approximately 400 reviews and more than 120 short stories, 11 novels, and several scripts for Star Trek: The Original Series.
Theodore Sturgeon
Sturgeon's "The Perfect Host" was the cover story in the November 1948 Weird Tales
An early version of Sturgeon's first novel, The Dreaming Jewels, was the cover story in the February 1950 issue of Fantastic Adventures
Sturgeon's novella The Incubi of Parallel X was the cover story in the September 1951 Planet Stories