Amor real is a Mexican telenovela produced by Carla Estrada for Televisa, broadcast by Canal de las Estrellas. It originally aired from June 9 to October 17, 2003. Amor real is a historical drama set in the Mexican post-independence period of the mid-19th century. The telenovela aired on Univision in the United States, REN TV in Russia and La 1 in Spain, among others. It was successfully distributed to many countries worldwide. In 2005, Amor real was released on DVD and it became the first telenovela to be released with English subtitles. Televisa has released an abridged DVD version of the telenovela in several countries.
DVD cover of Amor real
Carla Estrada is a Mexican television producer, one of the foremost telenovela producers of Latin America.
Carla Estrada