Andrew Anderson (St. Augustine, Florida)
Andrew Anderson II was an American physician, philanthropist, mayor and benefactor of St. Augustine, Florida. Anderson commissioned multiple works of art to adorn a variety of public spaces in the city of St. Augustine, including the two Medici lion statues placed at the approach to the Bridge of Lions.
Andrew Anderson II at Markland: miniature Medici lion on left
Marble lion, one of a pair commissioned by Dr. Andrew Anderson for Bridge of Lions
The Medici lions are a pair of marble sculptures of lions: one of which is Roman, dating to the 2nd century AD, and the other a 16th-century pendant. Both were by 1598 placed at the Villa Medici, Rome. Since 1789 they have been displayed at the Loggia dei Lanzi in Florence. The sculptures depict standing male lions with a sphere or ball under one paw, looking to the side.
Fancelli's ancient lion
Vacca's lion
The Albani lion, a similar ancient sculpture, now at the Louvre
The original Medici lions at the Villa Medici (Giovanni Francesco Venturini 1691)