Antarctic was a Swedish steamship built in Drammen, Norway, in 1871. She was used on several research expeditions to the Arctic region and to Antarctica from 1898 to 1903. In 1895 the first confirmed landing on the mainland of Antarctica was made from this ship.
Antarctic in Tromsø harbor, 1898
Antarctic trapped in pack ice
Antarctic sinking
Svend Foyn was a Norwegian whaling, shipping magnate and philanthropist. He pioneered revolutionary methods for hunting and processing whales. Svend Foyn introduced the modern harpoon cannon and brought whaling into a modern age. He is also recognized as a pioneer who introduced sealing to Vestfold County.
Svend Foyn (1809–1894)
Foynegården in Tønsberg, Norway
Svend Foyns Arbeiderboliger at Tønsberg in Vestfold
Svend Foyn Chapel in Tonsberg