Aura Battler Dunbine is an anime television series created by Yoshiyuki Tomino and produced by Sotsu and Sunrise. Forty-nine episodes aired on Nagoya TV from February 5, 1983, to January 21, 1984. A three-episode anime OVA sequel entitled New Story of Aura Battler Dunbine was released in 1988. The series was later dubbed by ADV Films and was released to DVD in North America, along with the original Japanese version in 2003. It soon went out of print, and until 2018, was only available as a digital purchase from the now-defunct Daisuki site, then Sentai Filmworks licensed the series.
North American cover of the first DVD volume
Cover art of the New Story of Aura Battler Dunbine OVA
Yoshiyuki Tomino is a Japanese anime director, screenwriter, songwriter and novelist best known for creating the Gundam anime franchise.
Tomino in 2021
With Shinsuke Suematsu (Award Ceremony for the Persons of Cultural Merit, November 4, 2021)