Avenue C is a north-south avenue located in the Alphabet City area of the East Village neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City, east of Avenue B and west of Avenue D. It is also known as Loisaida Avenue. It starts at South Street, proceeding north as Montgomery Street and Pitt Street, before intersecting East Houston Street and assuming its proper name. Avenue C ends at 23rd Street, running nearly underneath the FDR Drive from 18th Street. North of 14th Street, the road forms the eastern boundary of Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper Village.
Avenue C was designated Loisaida Avenue, in recognition of the Puerto Rican heritage of the neighborhood.
A street fair in the summer of 2008
The Public National Bank Building
Alphabet City is a neighborhood located within the East Village in the New York City borough of Manhattan. Its name comes from Avenues A, B, C, and D, the only avenues in Manhattan to have single-letter names. It is bounded by Houston Street to the south and 14th Street to the north, and extends roughly from Avenue A to the East River. Some famous landmarks include Tompkins Square Park, the Nuyorican Poets Cafe and the Charlie Parker Residence.
Avenue C was designated Loisaida Avenue in recognition of the neighborhood's Puerto Rican heritage
Preserved salt marsh on Long Island comparable to ecosystem of Alphabet City area before urbanization in the 1820s
Depiction of shipyards in 1848 from across East River
Tompkins Square branch of the New York Public Library on E 10th St.