BT Group plc is a British multinational telecommunications holding company headquartered in London, England. It has operations in around 180 countries and is the largest provider of fixed-line, broadband and mobile services in the UK, and also provides subscription television and IT services.
The Post Office Tower, 1966 (shortly after construction)
The Adastral Park campus at Martlesham Heath in Suffolk, the principal site of BT Research
The BT Centre was completed in 1985.
Former CEO Gavin Patterson at the 2016 Chatham House Corporate Leaders Series
Mobile telephony is the provision of telephone services to mobile phones rather than fixed-location phones. Telephony is supposed to specifically point to a voice-only service or connection, though sometimes the line may blur.
Mobile phone tower
Mobile telephone antennas tower
Booth presenting the first Dutch vehicle or watercraft telephone ("Mobilofoon"), a collaboration of the Royal Dutch Automobile Club (KNAC), and the Netherlands Postal, Telegraph and Telephone (PTT) at the 1948 Amsterdam International Motor Show (AutoRAI).
Use of an early mobile phone in Austria, 1964