The Berlin Infantry Brigade was a British Army brigade-sized garrison based in West Berlin during the Cold War. After the end of World War II, under the conditions of the Yalta and Potsdam agreements, the Allied forces occupied West Berlin. This occupation lasted throughout the Cold War. The French Army also had units in Berlin, called the French Forces in Berlin and the US Army's unit in Berlin was the Berlin Brigade.
British Army Chieftain tanks of the Berlin armoured squadron, taking part in the Allied Forces Day parade in June 1989
British troops photographed at their headquarters in Berlin.
British military police officer from the 247 Provost Company looks across Berlin Wall with field glasses, 1984
The Berlin Brigade was a US Army brigade-sized garrison based in West Berlin during the Cold War. After the end of World War II, under the conditions of the Yalta and Potsdam agreements, the Allied forces occupied West Berlin. This occupation lasted throughout the Cold War. The French Army also had units in Berlin, called French Forces in Berlin and the British Army's unit in Berlin was the Berlin Infantry Brigade.
US Army's Berlin Brigade patch
Brigadier General John E. Rogers and Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander Dorofeev (Soviet Union) at Spandau Prison in 1981
lieutenant Colonel Alexander Dorofeev и Brigadier General Leroy N. Suddath на смене караулов Вооружённых Сил (Soviet Union) и (USA). at Spandau Prison in 1982
Soldiers of the Berlin Brigade guarding Spandau Prison