William Dixon was an American scout and bison hunter active in the Texas Panhandle. He helped found Adobe Walls, fired a buffalo rifle shot at the Second Battle of Adobe Walls, and for his actions at the Buffalo Wallow Fight became one of eight civilians ever to receive the U.S. Medal of Honor.
William "Billy" Dixon as an Army Scout
Billy Dixon's grave marker at Adobe Walls.
Image: Texas Historical Marker Battle of Buffalo Wallow
Image: Ledger sm 2
Second Battle of Adobe Walls
The Second Battle of Adobe Walls was fought on June 27, 1874, between Comanche forces and a group of 28 Texan bison hunters defending the settlement of Adobe Walls, in what is now Hutchinson County, Texas. "Adobe Walls was scarcely more than a lone island in the vast sea of the Great Plains, a solitary refuge uncharted and practically unknown."
Adobe Walls battlefield looking southeast from Billy Dixon's grave.
Adobe Walls photograph published 1908
Study of the Second Battle of Adobe Walls, by Kim Douglas Wiggins.
Billy Dixon