Boot Polish is a 1954 Hindi comedy drama directed by Prakash Arora and produced by Raj Kapoor. It won Best Film at the Filmfare Awards. The film stars Ratan Kumar and Naaz in the lead roles.
Film poster
Film poster with photograph
Raj Kapoor, also known as Ranbir Raj Kapoor, was an Indian actor, film director and producer, who worked in Hindi cinema. He is considered one of the greatest and most influential actors and filmmakers in the history of Indian cinema, and has been referred to as The Greatest Showman of Indian Cinema and as the Charlie Chaplin of Indian Cinema.
Kapoor in Anari (1959)
Raj Kapoor, Dilip Kumar and Dev Anand with Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru
Kapoor with his wife Krishna
Kapoor (far right) with Prime Minister Nehru (second from left) and fellow actors Dilip Kumar (far left) and Dev Anand (second from right) (c. 1950s).