A chandelier is an ornamental lighting device, typically with spreading branched supports for multiple lights, designed to be hung from the ceiling. Chandeliers are often ornate, and they were originally designed to hold candles, but now incandescent light bulbs are commonly used, as well as fluorescent lamps and LEDs.
A chandelier in Italy
A silver chandelier c. 1690 from Hampton Court Palace
A Roman hanging lamp or chandelier
A 6th century Byzantine polycandelon
A candelabra or candelabrum is a candle holder with multiple arms. Candelabras can be used to describe a variety of candle holders including chandeliers, however, candelabras can also be distinguished as branched candle holders that are placed on a surface such as the floor, stand, or tabletop, unlike chandeliers which are hung from the ceiling.
A candelabra, with lit candles
Candelabra used for state occasions at the Belgian court (1960)
Menorah depicted in the Arch of Titus in Rome
Barberini candelabrum in the Vatican Museums