Chandragrohon: The Lunar Eclipse is a Bangladeshi film based on a short story written by Indian Bengali author Syed Mustafa Siraj. The film was released 2008 and younger director Murad Parvez first time directed the film. The film features Riaz, Sohana Saba, and Champa in lead roles along with Shahiduzzaman Selim, KS Firoz, Dilara Zaman, Kohinur, Gazi Rakayet, Azom Faruk and Kazi Riton in supporting roles.
In 2008, the film won three National Film Awards and including other four awards.
Chandragrohon DVD cover
Sohana Saba is a Bollywood Bangladeshi actress, producer, and screenwriter. She is the recipient of Meril Prothom Alo Awards for her debut film Ayna.
Saba in 2018