Conservation and restoration of glass objects
Conservation and restoration of glass objects is one aspect of conservation and restoration of cultural heritage. The nature and varying composition of the material, and the variety of types of object made from it, demand certain specialized techniques. The conservator needs to be aware of "agents of deterioration" presenting particular risk to glass objects, and how to prevent or counteract their effects. Relevant education and training is available in certain countries through museums, conservation institutes and universities.
Portland Vase, British Museum, restored by Nigel Williams
Fragments of Portland Vase, 1845 watercolor by Thomas H. Shepherd
Roman Brown Glass during and after conservation - restoration
Institut national du patrimoine
French national institute of cultural heritage, called Institut national du patrimoine (Inp), is the only academy in France in charge of the training of both curators and conservators. It belongs to French Ministry of Culture and is organized in 2 departments.
The Galerie Colbert in Paris
Image: Conservation du patrimoine spécialité patrimoine scientifique, technique et naturel
Image: Conservation du patrimoine spécialité musées
Image: Chantier des collections des élèves de l'Inp