Context collapse or "the flattening of multiple audiences into a single context" is a term arising out of the study of human interaction on the internet, especially within social media. Context collapse "generally occurs when a surfeit of different audiences occupy the same space, and a piece of information intended for one audience finds its way to another" with that new audience's reaction being uncharitable and highly negative for failing to understand the original context.
danah boyd at the Writers on Writing about Technology roundtable at Yale University in 2009.
Danah boyd is a technology and social media scholar. She is a partner researcher at Microsoft Research, the founder of Data & Society Research Institute, and a distinguished visiting professor at Georgetown University.
Danah boyd
danah boyd in 2005, a speaker at Digital Identity conference in Chicago
Visualization from one of boyd's lectures by Willow Brugh
danah boyd giving a keynote at ROFLCon at MIT in 2010