Crest Hill is a city in Lockport Township, Will County, Illinois, United States. The 2020 census put Crest Hill's population at 20,459.
City Hall - Fall 2011
The Lidice massacre was the complete destruction of the village of Lidice in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, which is now a part of the Czech Republic, in June 1942 on orders from Nazi leader Adolf Hitler and acting Reichsprotektor Kurt Daluege, successor to Reinhard Heydrich. It has gained historical attention as one of the most documented instances of German war crimes during the Second World War, particularly given the deliberate killing of children.
Lidice in 1942 after its destruction by the Nazis
Memorial to the murdered children of Lidice
Lidice museum
Heydrich's car at the scene of the attack.