Cronartium ribicola is a species of rust fungus in the family Cronartiaceae that causes the disease white pine blister rust. Other names include: Rouille vésiculeuse du pin blanc (French), white pine Blasenrost (German), moho ampolla del pino blanco (Spanish).
Cronartium ribicola
On Pinus strobus (aecial host)
Leaf spots on the underside of a leaf on a Ribes species (telial host)
Forest decimated by Cronartium ribicola
Rusts are fungal plant pathogens of the order Pucciniales causing plant fungal diseases.
Rust (fungus)
Germinating urediniospore of Puccinia graminis, model from the late 19th century, Botanical Museum Greifswald
Rust hypha attacking stoma (1600x magnification)
Rust fungus on a leaf, under low magnification.