Diagoras of Rhodes was an Ancient Greek boxer from the 5th century BC, who was celebrated for his own victories, as well as the victories of his sons and grandsons. He was a member of the Eratidea family at Ialysos in Rhodes.
Depiction of Diagoras being carried by his two sons after an Olympic victory.
Modern statue in Rhodes city
Rhodes international airport "Diagoras".
Diagoras Stadium in the city of Rhodes
Ancient Greek boxing dates back to at least the 8th century BC, and was practiced in a variety of social contexts in different Greek city-states. Most extant sources about ancient Greek boxing are fragmentary or legendary, making it difficult to reconstruct the rules, customs and history surrounding this activity in great detail. Still, it is clear that gloved boxing bouts were a significant part of ancient Greek athletic culture throughout the early classical period.
Boxer resting after contest (bronze sculpture, 300–200 BC).
Gallo-Roman boxing mosaic from the Getty Villa Collection
Minoan youths boxing (BC 1500), Akrotiri fresco. This is the earliest known evidence for the use of gloves.
Left arm from a statue of a young boxer, late 2nd BC. National Archaeological Museum, Athens