Dry firing is the act of activating the firing mechanism a bow, crossbow, firearm or other projectile discharging weapon while unloaded or without live ammunition. The expression is also used to refer to practicing with an inert laser/infrared training platform and may also include the use of a target/feedback system.
Gun storage boxes for civilian visitors at a courthouse in Prague, Czech Republic. Before storing, the gun is aimed at the gun clearing trap (left, red), it is unloaded and dry fired. The bullet trap is constructed so as to safely contain a fired bullet in case the operator mistakenly left a round in the chamber. Loading of firearm when leaving is also conducted while aiming into the bullet trap, without engaging trigger.
Two laser pistols.
Laser beams: Red (650 nm) 100 mW, green (532 nm) 50 mW, and violet (405 nm) 150 mW.
Archery is the sport, practice, or skill of using a bow to shoot arrows. The word comes from the Latin arcus, meaning bow. Historically, archery has been used for hunting and combat. In modern times, it is mainly a competitive sport and recreational activity. A person who practices archery is typically called an archer, bowman, or toxophilite.
Archery competition in June 1983 at Mönchengladbach, West Germany
A Rikbaktsa archer competes at Brazil's Indigenous Games
Tibetan archer, 1938
Master Heon Kim demonstrating Gungdo, traditional Korean archery (Kuk Kung), 2009