Dulabhai Zindabad is a Bangladeshi dramatic action film directed by Montazur Rahman Akbar. The film was written by Abdullah Zahir Babu and screenplay was by Montazur Rahman Akbar. The film stars Moushumi, Mim, Bappy and Dipjol in the lead roles. with Aruna Biswas, Amit Hasan, Ahmed Sharif as supporting cast. The film was produced by Md Nadir Khan under the banner of Rajesh Films. The film was released on 20 October 2017 in Bangladesh.
Dulavai Zindabad
Bappy Chowdhury is a Bangladeshi film actor. He made his debut in 2012, appearing in Bhalobasar Rong as an Comedian opposite Mahiya Mahi.
Comedian Bappy Chowdhury