EMR ; or Universal Camouflage Colourway in English, is a military camouflage pattern in use by the Russian Armed Forces. It is sometimes referred to by the unofficial nicknames RUSPAT, Tetris,
Tsifra and Digital Flora. EMR camouflage is the standard camouflage pattern of the Russian Military's VKBO All-Season Uniform.
Belize Defense Force personnel wearing EMR camouflage
Russian Minister of Defence, General Sergei Shoigu (In the middle), wearing an office uniform in EMR
Russian soldiers wearing the older pattern of EMR
Display of the EMR combat uniform
The Russian all season set of field uniforms (VKPO) (Russian: Всесезонный комплект полевого обмундирования (ВКПО), romanized: Vsesezonnyy komplekt polevogo obmundirovaniya (VKPO) or All-season set of field uniforms in English) (Previously called VKBO - Russian: Всесезонный комплект базового обмундирования, romanized: Vsesezonnyy komplekt bazovogo obmundirovaniya All-season basic kit in English) is a layered clothing system (popularly known as капуста/kapusta "cabbage") manufactured by the Russian BTK Group (Russian: «БТК групп») and adopted as a standard uniform by the Russian military, designed for use at temperatures from +15 °C (59 °F) to −40 °C (−40 °F).
VKPO All-season set of the Russian army.
EMR Summer uniform
Layer 6
Layer 5