Elections in Hungary are held at two levels: general elections to elect the members of the National Assembly and local elections to elect local authorities. European Parliament elections are also held every 5 years.
Image: Péter Boross 2014
Image: Gyula Horn (2007)
Image: Orban Viktor Portrait 2010
Image: Medgyessy in August 2014 (cropped)
Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party
The Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party was the ruling Marxist–Leninist party of the Hungarian People's Republic between 1956 and 1989. It was organised from elements of the Hungarian Working People's Party during the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, with János Kádár as general secretary. The party also controlled its armed forces, the Hungarian People's Army.
Image: János Kádár (fototeca.iiccr.ro)
Image: Grósz Károly 1986
Image: Nyers Rezső 1970