The Eleventh Air Force (11 AF) is a Numbered Air Force of the United States Air Force Pacific Air Forces (PACAF). It is headquartered at Joint Base Elmendorf–Richardson, Alaska.
Capt. St. Clair Streett (at left) with pilots of the 1920 Alaskan Flying Expedition
Elmendorf Field, August 1941
18th Pursuit Squadron P-36 Hawks, Elmendorf, August 1941
LB-30 and B-17E of the 36th Bombardment Squadron at Unmnak (Fort Glenn AAF), June 1942. The B-17E (41–9126) was lost on 28 August 1942
A Numbered Air Force (NAF) is a type of organization in the United States Air Force that is subordinate to a major command (MAJCOM) and has assigned to it operational units such as wings, squadrons, and groups. A Component Numbered Air Force (C-NAF) has the additional role as an Air Force Component Command exercising command and control over air and space forces supporting a Unified Combatant Command. Unlike MAJCOMs, which have a management role, a NAF is a tactical organization with an operational focus, and does not have the same functional staff as a MAJCOM. Numbered air forces are typically commanded by a major general or a lieutenant general.
World War II Air Districts and Numbered Air Forces.
Image: Sixth Air Force Emblem (World War II)
Image: 25th Air Force Shield
Image: Eastern Air Defense Force patch