Environmental issues in Iran
Environmental issues in Iran include, especially in urban areas, vehicle emissions, refinery operations, and industrial effluents which contribute to poor air quality. A report by the United Nations Environment Programme ranked Iran at 117th place among 133 countries in terms of environmental indexes. Water scarcity is a serious issue, and the country is also threatened by climate change.
80% of air pollution in Tehran is due to cars; the remaining 20% is due to factories and industry emissions.
Car vs public transport in Tehran
Water scarcity in Iran is caused by high climatic variability, uneven distribution of water, over exploitation of available water resources,and prioritization of economic development. Water scarcity in Iran is further exacerbated by climate change.
Gas power plant in Iran. Water use by thermal power plants is more than double domestic water use.
Si-o-se-pol in night while Zayanderud is dried