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Lantana camara can escape from gardens into nearby wildlands.
Lantana camara can escape from gardens into nearby wildlands.
Untended, overgrown plants can escape by rooting elsewhere (English ivy)
Untended, overgrown plants can escape by rooting elsewhere (English ivy)
Cairo Morning Glory can easily escape gardens by seed, runners and stem fragments.
Cairo Morning Glory can easily escape gardens by seed, runners and stem fragments.
Tradescantia fluminensis escapees infesting woodland area.
Tradescantia fluminensis escapees infesting woodland area.
Poppies are hemerochoric plants that belong to the archaeophytes.[clarification needed]
Poppies are hemerochoric plants that belong to the archaeophytes.[clarification needed]
Ipomoea cairica trailing on a roadside with its purple flowers (possible agochoric dispersal).
Ipomoea cairica trailing on a roadside with its purple flowers (possible agochoric dispersal).
Tiger nuts are agochoric.
Tiger nuts are agochoric.
Galanthus are ethelochoric.
Galanthus are ethelochoric.