Extra Ordinary Man is a 2023 Indian Telugu-language action comedy film directed by Vakkantham Vamsi and stars Nithiin in the lead roles, alongside Sreeleela, Rajasekhar, Sudev Nair, Rao Ramesh, Rohini and Sampath Raj in supporting roles. The film was released on 8 December 2023 to negative reviews from critics and became a box-office bomb.
Theatrical release poster
Rajasekhar Varadharajan is an Indian actor known for his works primarily in Telugu cinema. In a career spanning more than 38 years, he has acted in over 80 Telugu films in a variety of roles. He starred in several notable films, including Talambralu, Sruthilayalu, Aahuti, Ankusam, Magaadu, Allari Priyudu, Anna, Omkaram, Suryudu, Sivayya, Manasunna Maaraju, Maa Annayya, Simharasi, Evadaithe Nakenti, Gorintaku, and PSV Garuda Vega. Rajasekhar won two Filmfare Best Actor Awards - Telugu for Magaadu and Anna.
Rajashekhar in 2015