Fejér is an administrative county in central Hungary. It lies on the west bank of the river Danube and nearly touches the eastern shore of Lake Balaton. It shares borders with the Hungarian counties Veszprém, Komárom-Esztergom, Pest, Bács-Kiskun, Tolna and Somogy. The capital of Fejér county is Székesfehérvár.
Image: Hollandi ház (3601. számú műemlék) 4
Image: Az alcsúti arborétum különleges léggyökerei
Image: HU FE Székesfehérvár 034
Countyhall of Fejér.
Hungary is subdivided administratively into 19 counties and the capital city (főváros) Budapest. The counties are further subdivided into 174 districts. The capital Budapest is subdivided into 23 districts.
Hungarian counties with the 174 districts (járások) and the 23 districts of Budapest (kerületek).