Fifteenth Dynasty of Egypt
The Fifteenth Dynasty was a foreign dynasty of ancient Egypt. It was founded by Salitis, a Hyksos from West Asia whose people had invaded the country and conquered Lower Egypt. The 15th, 16th, and 17th Dynasties of ancient Egypt are often combined under the group title, Second Intermediate Period. The 15th Dynasty dates approximately from 1650 to 1550 BC.
Dagger in the name of Apophis
In the Manethonian tradition, Salitis was the first Hyksos king, the one who subdued and ruled Lower Egypt and founded the 15th Dynasty.
Einfall der Hyksos ("Invasion of the Hyksos") by Hermann Vogel (c. 1880); the Hyksos invaders are imagined just after a victorious battle against the Egyptians.