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Frederic Lamond at the height of his career. The dedication reads: To my dear friend Mr. Max Ibach, with kindest regards and best wishes from Frederic
Frederic Lamond at the height of his career. The dedication reads: To my dear friend Mr. Max Ibach, with kindest regards and best wishes from Frederic Lamond. 8. 11. 1898, Bruxelles
Beethoven in 1815: portrait by Joseph Willibrord Mähler
Beethoven in 1815: portrait by Joseph Willibrord Mähler
Beethoven's patron, Archduke Rudolf; portrait by Johann Baptist von Lampi
Beethoven's patron, Archduke Rudolf; portrait by Johann Baptist von Lampi
Sketches for the first movement of the Fifth Piano Concerto
Sketches for the first movement of the Fifth Piano Concerto