Gilli is a 2009 Indian Kannada-language romantic drama film directed by Raghav Loki. The film, a remake of the 2004 Tamil-Telugu bilingual film 7G Rainbow Colony, directed by Selvaraghavan, marks the acting debut of actor Jaggesh's sons Gururaj and Yethiraj and actress Rakul Preet Singh, who enact the lead roles, originally played by Ravi Krishna, Suman Setty and Sonia Agarwal, whilst Sudha Belavadi, Srinivas and Veena Venkatesh play supporting roles. The film, with music scored by noted Tamil composer Yuvan Shankar Raja and cinematography handled by Mungaru Male fame Krishna, was launched in February 2009 and released on 16 October 2009, coinciding with Diwali.
Gilli (film)
7G Rainbow Colony is an 2004 Indian romantic drama film written and directed by Selvaraghavan. The film is shot simultaneously in Tamil and Telugu languages, the latter titled 7G Brindavan Colony. It stars debutant Ravi Krishna and Sonia Agarwal. The music is scored by Yuvan Shankar Raja while Arvind Krishna performed the cinematography. The film deals with unrequited love of a boy towards a girl.
Promotional poster of the Tamil version