During World War II, the Gran Sasso raid on 12 September 1943 was a successful operation by German paratroopers and Waffen-SS commandos to rescue the deposed Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini from custody in the Gran Sasso d'Italia massif. The airborne operation was personally ordered by Adolf Hitler, approved by General Kurt Student and planned and executed by Major Harald Mors.
Mussolini with German commandos
Hotel Campo Imperatore in 1943
This Fieseler Fi 156 helped Mussolini escape.
Mussolini leaving the hotel
The Fallschirmjäger were the paratrooper branch of the German Luftwaffe before and during World War II. They were the first paratroopers to be committed in large-scale airborne operations. Throughout World War II, the commander of the branch was Kurt Student, as he was the 2nd most senior officer in the luftwaffe.
German paratrooper wearing paratrooper version Stahlhelm, carrying an MG 42 machine gun in the Soviet Union (1942)
A paratroop crew firing a mortar.
Burning German Junkers Ju 52s at Ypenburg, Netherlands in 1940.
Fallschirmjäger landing on Crete in 1941.