Hadassah medical convoy massacre
The Hadassah convoy massacre took place on April 13, 1948, when a convoy, escorted by Haganah militia, bringing medical and military supplies and personnel to Hadassah Hospital on Mount Scopus, Jerusalem, was ambushed by Arab forces. Seventy-eight Jewish doctors, nurses, students, patients, faculty members and Haganah fighters, and one British soldier were killed in the attack, including twenty three women. Dozens of unidentified bodies, burned beyond recognition, were buried in a mass grave in the Sanhedria Cemetery.
Aftermath of the attack on the convoy.
An ambulance preparing to join the convoy to Mount Scopus. April 13, 1948
Hadassah convoy memorial at Hadassah University Hospital, Mount Scopus
Hadassah convoy story at Hadassah University Hospital, Mount Scopus
Hadassah Medical Center is an Israeli medical organization established in 1934 that operates two university hospitals in Jerusalem as well as schools of medicine, dentistry, nursing, and pharmacology affiliated with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Its declared mission is to extend a "hand to all, without regard for race, religion or ethnic origin."
Hadassah in Ein Karem, Jerusalem, the second campus of the Hadassah Medical Center
Hadassah University Hospital, Mt. Scopus, Jerusalem
The Beit Hadassah building in Hebron dates back to 1893 and was one of the first Hadassah clinics in the country.
Nurses and physicians from the American Zionist Medical Unit on camels in Egypt en route to Palestine in July 1918