The Happisburgh footprints were a set of fossilized hominid footprints that date to the end of the Early Pleistocene, around 950–850,000 years ago. They were discovered in May 2013 in a newly uncovered sediment layer of the Cromer Forest Bed on a beach at Happisburgh in Norfolk, England, and carefully photographed in 3D before being destroyed by the tide shortly afterwards.
The Happisburgh footprints with a camera lens cap for scale
Paleolithic handaxe, from Happisburgh, found on the beach by a man walking his dog in 2000
Footprints are the impressions or images left behind by a person walking or running. Hoofprints and pawprints are those left by animals with hooves or paws rather than feet, while "shoeprints" is the specific term for prints made by shoes. They may either be indentations in the ground or something placed onto the surface that was stuck to the bottom of the foot. A "trackway" is a set of footprints in soft earth left by a life-form; animal tracks are the footprints, hoofprints, or pawprints of an animal.
Buzz Aldrin's bootprint on the Moon in 1969 on the Apollo 11 mission
Painted footprints from a child on a piece of paper
Shoeprint left at crime scene
Replica of dinosaur footprints found in La Rioja