Henriette Caillaux was a Parisian socialite and second wife of the former Prime Minister of France, Joseph Caillaux. On March 16, 1914, she shot and killed Gaston Calmette, editor of the newspaper Le Figaro.
Henriette Caillaux, c.1914
Cover illustration from Le Petit Journal (29 March 1914) depicting the assassination of Calmette by Madame Caillaux.
Advertisement for The Caillaux Case in Motion Picture World (1918)
Joseph-Marie–Auguste Caillaux was a French politician of the Third Republic. He was a leader of the French Radical Party and Minister of Finance, but his progressive views in opposition to the military alienated him from conservative elements. He was accused of corruption, but was cleared by a parliamentary commission. This political weakness strengthened the right wing elements in the Radical Party.
Joseph Caillaux
Cover of "Le Petit Journal" illustrating the assassination of Gaston Calmette, the editor of "Le Figaro"