The High School of Dundee is a private, co-educational, day school in Dundee, Scotland, which provides nursery, primary and secondary education to just over one thousand pupils. Its foundation has been dated to 1239, and it is the only private school in Dundee.
School coat of arms, granted 21 April 1938
The Boys School of 1834
Private schools in the United Kingdom
Private schools in the United Kingdom are schools that require fees for admission and enrollment. Some have financial endowments, most are governed by a board of governors, and are owned by a mixture of corporations, trusts and private individuals. They are independent of many of the regulations and conditions that apply to state-funded schools. For example, the schools do not have to follow the National Curriculum, although many such schools do.
Merchant Taylors' School (1561), one of the nine 'Clarendon' schools.
Warwick School (914), one of the oldest private schools in Britain.
Rossall School (1844)
Culford School (1873), a former 'direct grant' school