Holy Tuesday or Great and Holy Tuesday, also known as Fig Tuesday, is a day of Holy Week, which precedes Easter. As with other days of Holy Week, this day is observed through the holding of church services.
The wise and the foolish virgins
The Wise and Foolish Virgins (from the Rossano Gospels).
Holy Week is the most sacred week in the liturgical year in Christianity. For all Christian traditions, it is a moveable observance. In Eastern Christianity, which also calls it Great Week, it is the week following Great Lent and Lazarus Saturday, starting on the evening of Palm Sunday and concluding on the evening of Great Saturday. In Western Christianity, Holy Week is the sixth and last week of Lent, beginning with Palm Sunday and concluding on Holy Saturday.
The entry of Jesus and his disciples into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week, is the last week of Lent, between Palm Sunday and the dusk of Maundy Thursday. In the Eastern Orthodox Church, Palm Sunday along with the Saturday of Lazarus marks the two-day transition between the 40 days of Great Lent and Holy Week.
A Tenebrae liturgy held at a Roman Catholic parish church on Spy Wednesday
The chancel of a Lutheran church decorated with red paraments, the liturgical colour of the last week of Lent, Holy Week, in Lutheran and Anglican Churches
A Washing of Feet ceremony on Holy Thursday in the Armenian Orthodox church