House of Harmony and Vengeance
House of Harmony and Vengeance is a Hong Kong costume-comedy television drama produced by TVB under executive producer Nelson Cheung. The drama centers on a group of musicians and dancers from the Imperial Music Bureau during the prosperous Tang dynasty of China. It stars Bobby Au-yeung and Linda Chung as the main leads, with Myolie Wu, Evergreen Mak, Angela Tong, Yoyo Chen and JJ Jia as the major supporting cast.
Promotional poster
Linda Chung Ka-yan is a Hong Kong-Canadian actress, singer and songwriter. She signed a long-term contract with TVB in 2004 after winning the Miss Chinese International. Chung ended her contract with TVB in early 2018.
Linda Chung in 2022
Linda Chung in 2007
Linda Chung in 2011
Linda Chung at Taipo Centre in 2012