Hubert Anton Casimir Dilger was a Grand Duchy of Baden-born American who became a decorated artillerist in the Union Army during the American Civil War. He was noted as one of the finest artillerists in the Army of the Potomac and received the Medal of Honor for his valiant work at the 1863 Battle of Chancellorsville.
Hubert Dilger
Battery I, 1st Ohio Light Artillery Chattanooga, Tenn November 1863
Battle of Chancellorsville
The Battle of Chancellorsville, April 30 – May 6, 1863, was a major battle of the American Civil War (1861–1865), and the principal engagement of the Chancellorsville campaign.
A piece of artillery.
Troops crossing the Rapidan at Germanna Ford
Battle of Chancellorsville, Situation Late 30 April 1863 and Movements since 27 April
Troops on Hooker's right cross the Rappahannock, by Edwin Forbes