"In a Mirror, Darkly" is the eighteenth and nineteenth episodes of the fourth season of the American science fiction television series Star Trek: Enterprise, and originally aired on April 22 and 29, 2005. This installment was developed to be a sequel to The Original Series episode "The Tholian Web" and a prequel to "Mirror, Mirror". The decision to set an Enterprise episode in the mirror universe originated with a pitch to enable William Shatner to appear in the series. The teleplays for both parts of the episode were written by Mike Sussman, with Manny Coto contributing the story for the second part.
The idea to include the mirror universe in Enterprise originated from a pitch which would have featured William Shatner.
This episode saw the return of Original Series style uniforms, with the wraparound green tunic worn by Scott Bakula as Jonathan Archer.
"In a Mirror, Darkly" saw the return of Vaughn Armstrong to Enterprise as the mirror universe version of his previous character.
Star Trek: Enterprise season 4
The fourth season of the American science fiction television series Star Trek: Enterprise commenced airing on the UPN network in the United States on October 8, 2004 and concluded on May 13, 2005 after airing 22 episodes. Set in the 22nd century, the series follows the adventures of the first Starfleet starship Enterprise, registration NX-01. The fourth season saw changes made to the production team, with Manny Coto becoming the show runner. He had joined the team during the third season as a co-executive producer. Other changes included Star Trek novelists Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens being brought on board as writers.
Blu-ray cover
Manny Coto became the show runner for the fourth season of Enterprise, having joined as co-executive producer during season three.
Scott Bakula with astronauts Terry W. Virts and Michael Fincke during the filming of the final episode of Enterprise.
Brent Spiner returned to Star Trek to portray an ancestor of one of his Next Generation characters in an Enterprise story arc.