Infernal machine (weapon)
The infernal machine is a homemade 25-barrel volley gun built by Giuseppe Marco Fieschi and used in Fieschi's failed assassination attempt on King Louis Philippe I of France on July 28, 1835. The original gun is now on display at the Musée des Archives Nationales in Paris, France.
Fieschi's infernal machine at the Musée des Archives Nationales (2012)
Assassination attempt on King Louis Philippe I of France on July 28, 1835
A volley gun is a gun with multiple single-shot barrels that volley fired simultaneously or sequentially in quick succession. Although capable of unleashing intense firepower, volley guns differ from modern machine guns in that they lack autoloading and automatic fire mechanisms, and therefore their volume of fire is limited by the number of barrels bundled together.
The mitrailleuse, a 19th-century volley gun
Ottoman Empire volley gun with 9 barrels, early 16th century, Army Museum (Paris)
Duckfoot pistol made during the reign of George III.
Three-barrel tap-action pocket pistol capable of firing all barrels simultaneously or sequentially using a rotating block in the pan.